hey. hi. hello. I’m ashlee.
If Sansa Stark had more than one lady sibling, I would probably be her long lost sister in some remote, wintry kingdom where all the women kind of look like elves from LOTR and hack their lives away on computers in their black hoodies cause * twist *… it’s the future.
On a quest (and humbly accomplishing it from time to time) to make stories come alive as an actor, writer and producer. I gravitate towards narratives in the world of the uncomfortable, the passionate, the strange, the vulnerable and everything futuristic.
I'm an NYC based actor, writer and producer. Born and raised in Ohio, I got my B.A. in Theatre from The (you have the say "the"; it's a whole thing) Ohio State University, where I mainly focused on theatre movement, playwriting and Meisner training, and continue to do so.
I produced my first film, IN/FINITE, a short sci-fi drama, in 2017. It was screened at multiple festivals within which it won some badass awards and secured a distribution deal with Hewes Pictures. Through that deal, we received television placement on a Direct TV channel in regular programming in all of the US and Europe. It was also placed on AMAZON Video on Demand to stream as a part of the short sci-fi film anthology "A.I. Tales" and then a second anthology “Five Galaxies” both starring lots of folks with “names” and then also ASHLEE MUNDY (Me, in case you forgot). It was also in select theaters nationwide including Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities. That was rad.
I recently produced the short sci-fi drama Prisoner #1616 in Nov 2019 with director/writer Michael Fodera. It’s coming to festivals this summer. I also produced the dark comedy pilot The Last Laugh in Nov 2020 with director/writer Paul Lewis Anderson. Apparently, November is my month.
If you’re in to knowing what I’m up to, check out my recent news page here. Hi, Impact!
As a playwright, my short plays have been produced in Chicago, San Diego and NYC. My play Rusalka, about protest, LGBTQ issues in contemporary Russia and Pussy Riot, won the Audience Choice Award at the Fresh Fruit Play Contest in NYC in 2015 and moved on to be a part of the Fresh Fruit Play Festival late that summer.
“Mundy delivers a moving and honest performance in IN/FINITE.”
“In/Finite is powerful and poignant, and Mundy is flawless in her role. ”
“I especially liked Lawrence Kao in Seed and Ashlee Mundy in In/Finite, with both bearing the most emotional weight of the bunch.”
I also flex my artistic muscles by designing websites for other actors and artists! To see more, kindly or aggressively click: